Key dates
Opening for the registration from 26th June
Submission details
STEP 1: Abstract Submission
Please submit a short abstract (maximum 200 words), giving an outline of the subject, method and conclusions of the paper. We recognise that some authors may not have finalised the data collection and analysis by this stage, the idea is more to get a rough estimate of the range and number of papers to expect at the conference.
Abstract submission closed.
STEP 2: Paper Submission
Papers should address one or more of the key themes and may be by one author or more. Please note the lead author must be the student. The paper must be no more than 6 pages in length including tables, figures references etc.
Papers submission closed.
STEP 3: Presentation Submission
All speakers require to submit their presentation file (maximum 10 slides) for a 5 minutes oral presentation before the conference date. The template below are provided as an initial guideline. Please feel free to create your own style.
*Speakers is encouraged to present their work at the venue. Please find travelling to the venue for a travel information.
Deadline: 14th Thursday by 23:59

Travel to the venue