
Masters Conference

People & Buildings

Masters Conference 2024

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Masters Conference 2023

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People and Buildings Conference for Masters Students

Powered by NCEUB

Network for Comfort & Energy Use in Buildings

What is
“Masters Conference”?

The UK became the first major economy to pass net zero emissions law in 2019. The new target requires the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. To achieve this, technologies are important but not enough on their own. People and buildings form a system whose purpose is to provide a safe, comfortable, sustainable and affordable shelter for its inhabitants. A successful building is one which provides the means for those who live in it to achieve these aims and does this with the minimum use of resources.

Masters students rarely get an opportunity to present their work except to their fellow students and within the confines of their own University. As a result a lot of interesting work can become locked away – at best in the school archive, at worst only in the memories of the writer, supervisor or examiner. This conference will be providing a forum to discuss short papers by Masters students who are near the end of their course or who have completed in the last two years. The subject of their paper will usually reflect that of their Master Dissertation. The conference will provide a forum for students of different institutions to meet, exchange information and discuss their work. The conference may also provide a forum for students to meet future work collaborators.

The process of writing a paper of just a few pages from the wealth of data which one can accumulate in writing a masters dissertation can be challenging and instructive. All papers will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be uploaded on the conference website and E-prints with online ISSN. This means it can be listed as a published paper in your CV.

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