Key dates
22 August
23:59 BST
Abstract submission
Please submit a short abstract (maximum 200 words), giving an outline of the subject, method and conclusions of the paper. Please submit your abstract via the submission portal.
24 August
Participants will receive an abstract submission confirmation email and be informed of the acceptance of your paper for development to a full paper.
2 September
23:59 BST
Paper submission
Your paper (max 6 pages) should be submitted in the prescribed format electronically to be included in the proceedings. Paper template can be downloaded below:
3-15 September
18:00 BST
Please register for seat reservation or online attendance.
15 September 23:59 BST
Presentation submission (speaker only)
Please submit your presentation media (maximum 10 slides).
16 September
10:00 – 18:00 BST
Please join the conference online or in person at the University of Westminster
Submission details
Abstract submission
Please submit your abstract by completing the form accessed via the following link by 22th August
Paper submission
Papers should address one or more of the key themes and may be by a single individual or by a group. They must be no more than 6 pages in length including tables, figures references etc.
The conference is free (no registration fees). The conference is open to all current students of appropriate Masters courses or those who have graduated in the last two years.
Presentation submission (speaker only)
All speakers require to submit their presentation document for a 5-10 minutes oral presentation before the conference date.