MC2023 Conference program
9:15 – 10:00
Registration desk opening, coffee break and networking
10:00 – 10:10
Welcome address by Professor Fergus Nicol
10:10 – 11:00
Session 1
Occupants Wellbeing and Comfort
11:00 – 11:40
Question panel for Session 1
11:40 – 11:50
Comfort break
11:50 – 12:50
Session 2
Building Energy Demand and Embodied Energy
12:50 – 13:20
Question panel for Session 2
13:20 – 14:00
Lunch, coffee break and networking
14:00 – 15:00
Session 3
Simulation, Behaviour Modelling and Urban Microclimate
15:00 – 15:40
Question panel for Session 3
15:40 – 15:50
Comfort break
15:50 – 17:00
Session 4
Various Themes on People and Buildings
17:00 – 17:30
Question panel for Session 4
17:30 – 18:00
Awards, Closing ceremony, Coffee break and Networking
Speaker list
Session 1: Occupants Wellbeing and Comfort
10:10 – 10:15
Namira Sani
Assessing Housing Conditions in Indonesia and Its Association with Health and Well-being
1020 – 10:25
Yu Gao
How does a storytelling intervention influence students’ behaviour during a school overheating event
10:30 – 10:35
Neha Singhi
Adaptive Ventilation Strategies and Their Impact on Operative Temperatures in a Warm and Humid Climate
10:40 – 10:45
Kawthar Namakula and Lujain Hafiz
SUSTAINABILITY IN HEALTHCARE ARCHITECTURE: The Case of Maggie Centres and their Effect on the Health and Wellbeing of Occupants.
10:50 – 10:55
Afrin Ibrahim
Thermal Comfort and Childcare, Kerala, India
Virtual Poster
Yaqin Tang
Evaluating Indoor Air Quality in Buildings
Session 2: Building Energy Demand and Embodied Energy
11:50 – 11:55
Agostino Anselmo
Mass timber carbon solutions – Reducing Life-Cycle Carbon Emissions with Mass Timber Construction
12:00 – 12:05
Mathieu Naccarato
Low Embodied Carbon Ventilation Systems for Healthy Learning Spaces: comparative analysis of systems to provide fresh air in temperate climates.
12:10 – 12:15
Jayakeerti Muralidharan
12:20 – 12:25
Shrankhla Jaiswal
Life Cycle Energy and Carbon Analysis of Residential Buildings in India
12:30 – 12:35
Elsa Guadalupe Mendoza Duron
Exploring Resilient, Adaptable and Feasible Approaches to Retrofitting Listed Commercial Buildings: Douglas Primary School Case Study
12:40 – 12:45
Hao Cao
Study on Window’s Operation and Thermal Comfort in North China with Central Heating
Session 3: Simulation, Behaviour Modelling and Urban Microclimate
14:00 – 14:05
Benedict Tertsea Shinku
Whole-Building Calibrated Energy Performance Simulation towards Energy Sufficiency and Net Zero Carbon. Case Study of a Medium-Sized Hotel
14:10 – 14:15
Panumart Booncharoensombut
Calibration and Validation of Building Simulation Models for Overheating Risk Predictions: A Case Study of a Matched Pair of Test Houses in the UK
14:20 – 14:25
Aditi Agrawal
14:30 – 14:35
Mahima Ashish Vora
Understanding Sensory Spaces Through Evaluating the Impact of Vibrations
14:40 – 14:45
Raymund Laurel
The Impact of Green walls on Air Pollution and Thermal Comfort at Pedestrian Leven in Street Canyon
14:50 – 14:55
Noémie Läng
Improving biodiversity in the built environment: A study investigating façade solutions and their impact on local biodiversity
Virtual Poster
Ruolin Lan
The Daylighting Benefits of Semi-Enclosed Atrium: Based on the case study of Siyuan Centre
Session 4: Various Themes on People and Buildings
15:50 – 15:55
Varun Pasikanti
Incorporation of Microalgae Technology in the Built Environment
16:00 – 16:05
Atheya Rajeev and Vashundhara Radhakrishnan
Investigating Thermal Performance and Climate Resilience of the Winter Garden in an Educational Building
16:10 – 16:15
Lujain Hafiz
The Potential of Hybrid Cooling Strategies in Office Buildings to Enhance Energy Efficiency
16:20 – 16:25
Benjamin Cherian and Surbhi Bahri
An investigation on energy-efficient housing of past and their compliance to current standards
16:30 – 16:35
Hetian Zhang
Using existing buildings as material banks in the UK
16:40 – 16:45
Amit Imtiaz
Design Intervention of retrofit Fixed Solar Shading Device for care homes in Sheffield, UK
16:50 – 16:55
Rasha A. Almadi
Developing The Ruins of The Past: Cultural Heritage Preservation and Urban Regeneration of a Historical Site in the United Kingdom (UK).